
caged birds, cry

people were not meant for cages;
souls cannot last long behind bars.
captivity destroys the heart,
and minds will burn like dying stars.
cruel chains and locks may scar the skin,
but slavery twists and warps the mind;
those who escape are something else -
they people they were are left behind.
bright souls rotting deep in dungeons
forged in fear and incompetence.
graves of geniuses, dug in soil made
of decomposing innocence.
regimented armies trample blindly
o'er feilds of brightly crafted thought,
and commanders within their rules
build boats that can't bear to be rocked.
the world saunters into slavery,
selling its curiosity,
pawning its will to think, crafting
an ignorant monstrosity.
people were not meant for cages,
but our souls have been enslaved for ages.

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